
The SweetBay Residential Community Development District 6 ("District") is authorized to determine, order, levy, impose, collect, and enforce special assessments pursuant to Chapter 190 and Chapter 170 of the Florida Statues. Such special assessments may, at the discretion of the District, be collected and enforced pursuant to the provisions of ss.197.3631, 197.3632, and 197.3635, Chapter 170, or Chapter 173.

The budget is a financial plan that serves as the basis for expenditure decision-making and subsequent control of expenditures. The plan strives to provide program services at the levels of service established by the Board during the budget process. However, the budget must also be flexible enough to account for unexpected events and expenditures. Otherwise, levels of service in other program areas may suffer to operate within the constraints of the overall budget.

The District's Fiscal Year runs from October 1 to September 30. Current fiscal year assessment schedules can be found in the Adopted Budget located in the Documents section of this website.

Please be advised that the SweetBay Residential Community Development District 6 (the “District”), a local unit of special purpose government created under Florida law, has constructed and is responsible for the maintenance of certain improvements, infrastructure and facilities within the District. The District may finance this construction through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, a form of public financing. Should you have any questions on this matter or any other general District issue,  please feel free to contact the District Manager.

Financial Documents

Budget Documents
1 files, modified October 9, 2024 9:58 AM

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